The HSM-10 series monitors feature large full color LCD display screen that enable the user to tell - in one look - whether he is contaminated, and where.

Numerical read-outs are provided, showing the separate counts on each hand and the separate count for each shoe.

An outstanding feature of the instrument is the low warning levels, permitting alarm settings as low as the background count.

A separate rate meter circuit is provided for the EXTERNAL CLOTHING PROBE, including a speaker for audible check and a meter for visual check.

All the detecting elements and sections exposed to contamination are designed for easy decontamination. A roll of kraft paper is mounted in the base for use over the shoe deck preventing contaminated material from dropping into the detector chambers.

In the HSM-10B quarter mil Mylar can be substituted for the kraft paper to allow detection of Alphas.

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Data Sheet Page One

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Data Sheet Page Two

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Complete Data Sheet

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