The FM-9-MCA-2 is a continuous real-time I-125 Air Monitor with a multi-channel analyzer and a regulated and adjustable air flow.  Monitor room air or stack air effluent for Iodine-125 down to low levels. The FM-9-MCA-2 can also be used for the hood, glove box, or other workplace air.  The Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA) enhances the analysis of which nuclides are present.

The FM-9-MCA-2 radiation control monitor is a cart-mounted rugged Gamma air monitor with AC Operation. Gamma emitter content is measured using an MCA analyzer with greater than 1,000 channels. Relay Control Can Lock Doors, Trigger a Siren or Send an Alert.

The energy range is user settable.  The audio and visual alarm is user settable.  Local readout. Optional remote readout

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