High Range Submersible Monitor
Model - CP-MU-10K (Includes DMU-100 Probe to 104R/hr)

- Five Decades 0.1 to 10,000 R/hr.
- Waterproof Detector System
- Stable and Dependable
- Fast Response
- Lightweight and Portable
- 6 AA Cell
- 2-way Serial Port-standard
- Probe Cable 0-60 Ft
- Optional: 0.1 to 20,000 R/hr
Extremely high range capability and waterproof construction of ion chamber detection system provides underwater monitoring and in hot cell monitoring of Reactor Spent Fuel Elements. Reactor components and dose rate measurements of irradiated objects can now be made easily and at the ranges called for.
- Lightweight single 6 AA cell operated solid-state and MOSFET driven electronic package.
- A High Range DMU-100 Detector System consisting of 60 feet of special low noise cable.
- A waterproof coupling to an 8'' long x 1/2'' diameter aluminum tube containing an ion chamber.
A “handle” consisting of 8-foot sections of free-draining 5/8'' stainless steel tubing is available as an option.
Five linear decades on the electronic package provide readings up to 10000 R/hr. A “set” button on the front panel permits the meter to be adjusted to read zero by the zero adjust knob.
Calibration is fully adjustable.
The instrument case is made of drawn aluminum with epoxy lettering for easy decontamination. Case openings are sealed by gasket or screw closure for the protection of electronics.
A reliable MOSFET electrometer circuit and improved solid-state electronics assure long uninterrupted service. Mechanical switching of the high impedance circuit has been eliminated.
Protection against influence by magnetic fields up to 60 gausses has been built into the instrument. A top handle and four rubber feet achieve a more stable base with no loss of display visibility.
For product spec information please see the attached pdf below.
Data Sheet Page One
Data Sheet Page Two
Complete Data Sheet
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