TBM-IC-LR Portable Ion Chamber

- A 5'' dia x 7.5'' long air ion chamber is coupled to a stable solid-state MOSFET input electrometer.
- The built-in A to D converter reads out directly in mR/h or mR.
- The rate Range is 0.01 mR/h to 1 R/h in a single range.
- The dose Range is 0.05 µR – 100,000 µR in a single range.
- 430 mg/cm2 graphite-lined methacrylate walls provide for accurate “air equivalent” response.
- Chamber 2,000 cm3
- Thin (0.5 mg/cm2) Mylar window allows high sensitivity readings for:
- Alpha and Low Energy Betas such as C14
- Low Energy Gammas and X-Rays
- Higher Energy Betas and Gammas
Data Sheet Page One
Data Sheet Page Two
Complete Data Sheet
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