Strap-On Radiation Monitor

Model Series PEMO-7LE


Drinking Water & Wastewater PEMO-7LE

PEMO-7LE Pipe Monitor. Assures accurate detection and quick alarm in case of waterborne radioactivity contamination flowing thru one or more pipes. A constant check with alarm and data record on optionally included computer. It provides integrated exposure information and can provide hard copy via external printer. It is a complete system but may be expanded per need.

The PEMO-7LE uses a standard NaI(Tl) Detector in T/A’s unique Strap-On Style probe to continuously measure any Gamma emitting Radioactive water or other liquids.
- The water stream is under constant surveillance via a scintillation detector.
- The unit is completely self-contained.
- No downtime

The PEMO-7LE is a sensitive and versatile version of the broadly used, TBM-emergency response radiation detector for Water monitoring. It may be used to monitor water in pipes or effluent streams.

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